Friday, January 1, 2010

Who is a narrow-minded person??

Two of my friends sitting next to me in the ultimate row of our college bus were having this heated conversation. Lets assume them as Mr.G and Mr.S

G: You're so narrow-minded like Ashwin.
S: What??? ME!!! you're talking like Ashwin, so you're narrow-minded.

That was the end of that conversation and by the way My name is Ashwin. They both were referring to me. But to be honest until that moment i didn't have any idea whatsoever about what the altercation was about. This wasn't the first time someone has branded me as "narrow-minded". I wanted to know the exact meaning of that word. So I browsed some online dictionaries and the exact meaning is given below:

narrow-minded(adj.) - having a biased or illiberal viewpoint; bigoted, intolerant, or prejudiced.

Now I'll tell the instances where I was branded as a "narrow-minded" person. First one was in my home with one of my relatives who is a ardent BJP supporter. He was talking to me about the Ruchika Gilhotra case and how justice has gone from abyss to something further down. Suddenly the conversation went to the liberhan commission report and our conversation turned into a altercation where he spoke in length about the good works of BJP and he said they only can save our country. I simply couldn't agree with that because the things I believed were completely different from his' beliefs. I would have agreed if he had termed them as his beliefs but he said those were the truth.

Not only me. Most people like me are branded as "narrow-minded" people. If we go too literally on the word then everyone of them involved in a debate are narrow-minded only. They stick to their views and they're quite unrelenting. So can we brand all those people as narrow-minded?? Absolutely not.

The second instance was the one I described earlier in this article. Mr.G and Mr.S had this debate about Belief in God. Mr.G is an agnostic and Mr.S believes seriously in God. Here both have their set of views and both did not want to relinquish their views. Is it right for them call me a "narrow-minded" person?

People have a misconception about this word. They think that anyone who contradicts his/her view(s) is a "narrow-minded" person. But those views differ from person to person depending on the influence of the society he mingles and his family. In a healthy debate there is no need for narrow-mindedness. When a person listens to you and if he disagrees with you on certain issues and tells his views, then that does not mean he's "narrow-minded". He's just like you telling his views.

Before telling someone "narrow-minded", Please bear in mind that its you who become a narrow-minded person and not the one whom you branded as "narrow-minded".